Digital Planner Return Policy

Thank you for your purchase of our Digital Planner. We strive to provide our customers with products of the highest quality and accuracy. To ensure a clear understanding between us and our valued customers, we have established the following return policy:

  1. All Sales Are Final: Due to the digital nature of our product, all sales of the Digital Planner are considered final upon purchase. This means that once the purchase is made, we cannot offer refunds or exchanges.

  2. Exception for Legal Requirements: Refunds or returns will only be considered where expressly required by law. In such cases, evidence or documentation might be required to process the return or refund.

  3. Support and Assistance: If you encounter any issues or have questions about using our Digital Planner, we encourage you to contact our support team. We are dedicated to assisting you in ensuring a smooth user experience.

  4. Protecting Digital Content: As a reminder, the resale, redistribution, or unauthorized sharing of our Digital Planner is strictly prohibited and is a violation of both our policy and copyright laws.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We appreciate your business and support!

We recommend regularly reviewing and updating the policy to ensure it aligns with your business practices and any changes in the law.